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As a young child, Leo, a book-devouring lion cub, enjoyed recreating his favorite series to create his own stories. Then came adolescence, and his passion for entertainment in all forms (movies, music, video games, comics...), which led him to pursue a career in the cultural field, with the desire to offer his own creative material geared towards escapism and entertainment, an industry that is more important than ever in the face of a stressful news cycle.


Originally from Cannes, the city of cinema, Leo Marty became an actor and obtained roles in TV series, films, and advertisements. He directed three music videos with very eclectic vibes, then moved to Paris to pursue his artistic activities.

He also started writing, crafting several novels published on Amazon. A lover of travel and spiritual discovery, he proposes action and adventure novels with grandiose cinematic and energetic style. He then realized the symbiosis of his love for nature and luxury by proposing a "nature chic" universe that reflects his contrasting personality.


Leo spends his free time exploring the enchanting Fontainebleau forest or discovering Parisian palaces. Born under the sign of Leo, he learns to tame his inner fire by practicing several zen disciplines: Yoga, Qi Gong, and meditation.


Exciting future projects are in store, including the release of his fifth book "Wild Nights," a wacky and energizing summer read!


To learn more, read the DESTIMED magazine article (in french)

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Mon agence

En tant qu'acteur, je suis représenté par Mickaël Durard, de l'agence Rouge Tapis. Ouverte en 2020, l'A.R.T a su prouver son sérieux et figure désormais dans la très sélective liste des meilleures agences de Paris du Guide du comédien, l'ouvrage de référence du milieu. 


Je suis très reconnaissant à Mickaël de me proposer sur de nombreux castings !







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my resume

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