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Leo Marty -Actor and novelist

Leo Marty acteur


Did you see me on France 2 on March 15th?

In Nathalie Marchak's TV movie "Les Siffleurs", I played a pretty dark role... I can't tell you much more without giving away the plot, but here's a short video clip.

As a little anecdote, it's not the first time I played a similar role, I already did it for a TF1 series!

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Oceane Amsler et Leo Marty
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It's spring, Welcome !

I work as an actor and writer in Paris and Cannes

Find out who I am through my website...


Télécharge mon ebook gratuit !

"Histoires Zen" est un roman bien être qui vous fera embarquer sur la croisière la plus chill de votre vie. 

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